The Brothers of Truth and Union #594 Invite the Brothers Of Atlanta Masonic District #3 East and West To March In The 2016 Gwinnett County MLK Parade
Come March With Us On MLK Day 2016!On Monday January 18, 2016, the Brothers of Truth and Union Lodge #594 will be marching in full regalia in the Gwinnett County MLK Parade. This MLK Parade and Celebration kicks off at 9AM in Lawrenceville, Georgia.
Truth and Union is a long-term partner of the organizers of the parade and we want to have a strong Prince Hall showing this year. Many Atlanta area Prince Hall Freemasons weren't able to travel to Selma, Alabama last year to participate in the march across the Edmund Pettis Bridge. We feel as though this is another opportunity that is local in which we can show the strength and commitment that Prince Hall Brothers have for our community. |
Bring Your Whole Family!
The Parade and Celebration is a great way to commemorate the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We encourage that you bring your whole family out to participate in the many activities planned for that day in Lawrenceville. A few photos of last year's festivities are below. You may also learn more at their official website:
Would you like to join us?
Interested Brothers may participate as individuals OR as a whole lodge. Simply send an email to Bro. Stephen Wicks at [email protected] and let us know that you would like to participate. Please also get clearance from your WM if you are wanting to march along with us individually as a Brother.
Note: We will be in full regalia so your Black and Whites are required.
Note: We will be in full regalia so your Black and Whites are required.